As a few of you have noticed, it's been a while since I've written one of these. Part of that is because about 90% of the problems (and more of my personal problems) were addressed at the end of Part 6. This finale will deal with the state of the DCU after issue 7 of
Infinite Crisis, as well as how it works as a sequel to
Crisis on Infinte Earths.
Two weeks ago, I was given a slipcased hardcover of
Crisis. With such a gift, you owe it to those who gave it to you to read it. As I have just finished reading this book, I'll be supplying my thoughts based on it now as well.
--Will Len change his mind about Infinte Crisis or is he to stubborn to adapt? Read on to find out!--Infinte Crisis #7 turned out to be the standard slugfest that comes at the end of most of these big crossovers. As a whole, when this happens, the book stops being about the story and becomes totally consumed with people hitting things. This was no different.
"Look, we decided to throw in The Society so the heroes could get together and hit something!" The Society had already been dealt with to its fullest extent: it was an easy way to build the Anti-Monitor machine, capture its heroic fuel, and trap Black Adam. They had done that and were quite effectively written out of the main story. Also, Doomsday will
never kill Superman again, so he'll never be scary again, but that's almost a separate rant.
I liked that Batman had a confrontation with Leotard Boy and almost used a pistol to kill him. I like that Wonder Woman told Batman that Leotard Boy wasn't worth killing. Breaking her sword, especially since it's one of the few keepsakes of her loved ones, made little sense. Personally, I think she should have dropped it and it not shatter, or she could have just sheathed it. Either gets across the same point.
"Superboy-Prime is flying off into space. Everybody that can fly after him, breathing be damned!" Last I heard, very few DC heroes could break Earth orbit, much less survive in a vacuum. And since the venue of the final battle was changed from the Anti-Monitor machine ruins to Metropolis (so all the heroes could get together and hit something), there had to be some exciting final battle, so a space chase was whipped up.
I thought the "Thin Green Line" was pretty cool. Thematically, I don't get why Power Girl didn't attack Superboy-Prime with the other present Kryptonians. A lot of effort was taken in
Infinte Crisis (and not
JSA Classified #1-4, which Geoff Johns owes me $10 for) to make Power Gilr seem like she was one of the main characters. Thus, in my mind, main characters participate in the big showdowns, but not here.
THE LAST PAGE. I hated that last page for one simple reason--it's not over. After reading seven months of build-up and seven months of execution, the big, all-consuming story isn't over. One thing about these big crossovers is that the villains are so bad that killing them is the only way to stop them. And now fifty Green Lanterns at a time have to leave their home sectors to babysit a cosmic powered, world-juggling crybaby. What a rip.
Scoring of
Inifinte Crisis: I'm going to use an odd system here. For each issue, I'll give an individual score, then develop an average based on that. The possible scores are 2 (Great!), 1 (It's OK.), and 0 (This sucks!). I'll give the issue number, a brief statement on it, and the score. And I've also taken the time to read the entire miniseries start to finish as well.
One: This is the best issue of the series. It was undoubtedly the beginning of "the worst day in the history of the DCU." The JLA was broken, the heroes divided, the villains united. Magic was out of control, and the galaxy was at war. A killer satellite was after everybody's blood, and refugees from worlds long dead were let loose. This issue was everything
Infinte Crisis was said to be before it began. It delivered on its promises. I still love it. Score--2.
Two: What the hell is this shit? Where did the characters from last issue go? I don't care about these stupid
Crisis people. Score--0.
Three: I get it, the
Crisis leftovers are supposed to be hot shit. What happened to the DCU that I was reading two months ago? Score--0.
Four: This is thematically the worst issue of the series. I'm sick and tired of the tired old leftover
Crisis people. Can we have Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman back? Can we have back everything from the build-up? Why did they have to make all the build-up a structured plot? And when the hell did they beat the Spectre? Score--0. (At this point, had the build-up not been so good, I would have stopped reading for sure.)
Five: Hey, this is starting to turn back into what I wanted to read. What the fuck is up with this Earth-2 Wonder Woman? Guess Geoff Johns doesn't read every book in the DC library. Score--2.
Six: Kickass! The heroes are going to whoop some Brother Eye ass. I don't get the use of "eye" instead of "I." Stop trying to be cute and just write the damn book. Score--2.
Seven: Rushed art, dry confrontation, and it's still not over. Ugh. Otherwise, good. Score--1.
Final Score: 7 out of 14. 50% Luckily, I'm using a collegate scoring method and
Inifinte Crisis gets a D.