Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Happy Accident

I hadn't meant to look at my blog.

I never use it much any more. Things have changed dramatically since I was last here. I gained and lost my muse. I found two solid opportunities: a writers' conference and a trip to Dragon*Con. Both showed me things and opened new doors.

I finished another book and started a sequel to it. I now consistently write an average of 900 words a day. Before, I struggled to average 450.

So I accidentally found my blog again. The reasons don't matter, but I see responses from lovely people. Thank you for that. I greatly appreciate it.

Because of that, I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago. If anyone would be interested in taking a look at some of my work so I can get a fresh perspective on it, leave a message here. I'll check in every few days and I'll figure out a way to trade what information we'll need to.