Sunday, April 06, 2008

Reinstituting the 100 Days

In the Fall, I decided at an arbitrary point to give myself 100 days to finish the first draft of Vitamin F. I didn't succeed in that regard, but I did make a lot of progress thanks to the added motivation of a deadline.

I noticed my lack of progress as of late and decided that I needed a splash of motivation. So, within 100 days, I've got a few goal that I need to have met, or at least made great progress with.

1. Have the next draft of Vitamin F finished. This doesn't just mean I've got another draft, it also means I've got the long synopsis to go along with it. For those who have been reading it, this doesn't affect anything with you. I'm giving myself a deadline. I won't put any such restriction on my readers.

2. Send at least one query letter to a literary agent. It's a big step, one I need to start pursuing. I've got a friend who writes and draws children's books. He's got amazing ideas and visuals, he just doesn't have someone who knows where and how to fight the battles to get his work published. For guys trapped in middle America, it's almost impossible to get noticed without help.

3. Have 1/3 of Mind & Machine typed out. I've been writing on this, just not typing it. I need to do more of both. I'm confident that I can make a lot more progress if I put forth the effort.

I'm going to try to make a weekly progress report, just to keep track of such things. Maybe it'll help me keep going.



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