Thursday, February 07, 2008

Setting Up For Round Two

I've been trying to find a few resources on agents, now that I've got an entire draft of Vitamin F finished. Of course, to be able to contact an agent, I'm going to need one other element in place, the synopsis. I already have an outline, but it works more like a road map for me to see what files make up the story; now that a full draft is finished, that file is getting closer and closer to being outdated.

In looking at my road map, I also notice that there's a nice trio of chapters dealing with a Fertility festival that really, really need to be reworked. So, needing something to fix my creative energies upon, I start trying to fix one of those chapters. To be brief, the rituals of Fertility are simple and have a very open way to interpret them.

The bad news came shortly after I finished repairing Chapter 33. I was thinking about putting it into proper format when I accidentally clicked on another editing module that made Word crash on me. So I had to bring the file back up. I could only get a read only copy, and that was the unedited text, which was useless to me. I needed to find what I fixed. Eventually I gave up and called no joy on it. I shut down Word and shut down the computer as well. When I took out my jump drive, I got an error message saying that there was a file still open on the jump drive. One restart later and I was looking at about 90% of the work I'd done today. I quickly saved and went about the rest of the day. I'd barely dodged the worst of a bullet there.

I've also been trying to write a little on Mind & Machine every day. I made something of a road map file for it, but, as I work on it, I've realized I need something a bit more complete. Since it's on a later draft than Vitamin F, I'm going to try to put together a synopsis of it some time in the near future. Right after I get the new details of the Commander mythos straightened out.

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