I won't hold back, I've been fighting with some elements involving the Brotherhood of Life, a terrorist group in Vitamin F. One of the main things I've been fighting with is the layout of their headquarters. I've imagined that it was a large compound, mainly ruins of some previously existing structure.
The headquarters has to be isolated from the main city. It's got a lot of cinder block construction on the interiors and can house their entire local operation. It's got a great deal of space where things and people could hide--a random investigation of the area would find nothing, especially if the Brotherhood had a chance to see what was coming. The headquarters is also close to a wooded area, although I don't know of many ways to get this particular bit of info into the story itself.
The summers around the headquarters are very hot, especially in the daytime. Temperatures easily reach the mid-nineties, which can be harnessed as a torture mechanism. As a terrorist encampment, it also needs to have a good place to practice various activities of that nature (firing ranges, areas to test explosives, etc.).
When recently asked what city Vitamin F takes place in, I said that it was a city that didn't exist yet, although it is likely built near or on the ruins of Chicago. Summers are hot, winters are cold.
All these things collided a few hours ago, just after I woke up. The fact that the nearby major city is Chicago, at least in modern terms, made me remember why I picked Chicago. I've been there. But the reason I went was so that I could go to the Wizard World comic book convention, which is in Rosemont. Rosemont, much like Chicago, is hot in the summer, cold in the winter. It has patches of forest nearby, as well as O'Hare International Airport; O'Hare is on the opposite side of the highway as its runways, creating a unique show if you're driving nearby and a plane needs to take off.
All this together made me see that I've been somewhere near Chicago that would serve as a fine headquarters for the Brotherhood of Life. That's why, as of today, when I write about their headquarters, I'll be using a lot of the topography and design of the convention center in Rosemont. Out of fairness to them, I'm not using the current name of the center; those words will have been lost for some reason or another.
The headquarters has to be isolated from the main city. It's got a lot of cinder block construction on the interiors and can house their entire local operation. It's got a great deal of space where things and people could hide--a random investigation of the area would find nothing, especially if the Brotherhood had a chance to see what was coming. The headquarters is also close to a wooded area, although I don't know of many ways to get this particular bit of info into the story itself.
The summers around the headquarters are very hot, especially in the daytime. Temperatures easily reach the mid-nineties, which can be harnessed as a torture mechanism. As a terrorist encampment, it also needs to have a good place to practice various activities of that nature (firing ranges, areas to test explosives, etc.).
When recently asked what city Vitamin F takes place in, I said that it was a city that didn't exist yet, although it is likely built near or on the ruins of Chicago. Summers are hot, winters are cold.
All these things collided a few hours ago, just after I woke up. The fact that the nearby major city is Chicago, at least in modern terms, made me remember why I picked Chicago. I've been there. But the reason I went was so that I could go to the Wizard World comic book convention, which is in Rosemont. Rosemont, much like Chicago, is hot in the summer, cold in the winter. It has patches of forest nearby, as well as O'Hare International Airport; O'Hare is on the opposite side of the highway as its runways, creating a unique show if you're driving nearby and a plane needs to take off.
All this together made me see that I've been somewhere near Chicago that would serve as a fine headquarters for the Brotherhood of Life. That's why, as of today, when I write about their headquarters, I'll be using a lot of the topography and design of the convention center in Rosemont. Out of fairness to them, I'm not using the current name of the center; those words will have been lost for some reason or another.
Labels: Bridgett
Perhaps you could work in the forests as a fallback point if it looks like the Brotherhood might need to abandon the base temporarily?
Or maybe they could use the forest as part of their training grounds, to give them a different type of terrain to train in, compared to the urban area the encampment is set up in.
I've been thinking about it and the Brotherhood will probably make some use of the forested area within the story. It won't be for very long, but it will be part of what's going on.
I love your blog! It's a great parody of a nerd/geek. A friend of mine turned me on to this and told me how funny it was, but I had no idea it would be this funny. You should really write a book.
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