Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Shadow of the Boy with Horns

I've slammed full force into the wall of the dreaded writer's block. Of course, this was about a month ago, so I've already mentioned the worst of it. I'm realizing what was going on, more as a way to figure out how to get out of being blocked.

I haven't been transcribing my handwritten notes into files or integrating them with preexisting files. Today, I got up and transcribed the first set of those notes. [Jump up the wall and grab the rope.]

I haven't been reading much, except for breaks at work. In the past few days, I've been reading at home and when I go hang out with my friends. [Scale the wall and smack the shadowdemons with the stick.]

Video Games. I'm part of the way through one and I started two more ON THE SAME DAY. No excuse for that one, except that I finished one of them. [Grab the girl and run out of the castle.]

So the game I finished was a little game called Ico. It's Japanese, so it's pronounced E-Ko. This game is beautiful, wonderful, imaginative. It's got a loose, but strong story about a boy cursed with horns trying to get himself and an etherial princess out of a huge castle. To do so, you've got to jump and climb up walls, smack shadowdemons with a stick, all as a way to solve elaborate puzzles. It sounds tedious, but it's magic. If you've played or had interest in Shadow of the Colossus, Ico is a must, if only to discover the subtle links between the two.



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