Saturday, March 24, 2007

Vitamin Notes

I've been assessing a few things--with some help--and I thought I should make a list and see what others thought.

--In the world Bridgett lives in, shorter hair usually confides a note of submission, while longer hair denotes a trend of dominance. This isn't necessarily a rule for their world, but it's a trend that, when asked about, I did notice.

--Just because something is a Greek institution called a sorority, with sorority sisters as members, doesn't mean that this was always the case. Another question posed to me concerned the sorority that Penelope, and later Bridgett, are part of. The answer I gave was that it was initially a fraternity.

--The subject of religion in this screwed up, mostly female world has come up. At first, my thought was something in the vein of Wicca (partially because I've known a few Pagans in my time and Wicca isn't too far from that). As I reassess this, I wonder if this really works. What should/would the predominant religion of a female culture be? Keep in mind that no population is going to kneel to a deity of a "nonexistant" gender for very long.



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