Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cranky Evaluations

I've seen the evaluations from my students from last semester. Most of them were blank, as far as additional comments go. A few had some gems of input. Most of those don't like me, or at least didn't care for my standing in the middle of the chaos. There were a couple of interesting ones I thought I'd share:

From section 04: "Len is a great. I'd like to be in his class again."
Rebuttal: Wow. Cool. Someone must be quite pleased.

From section 05 (and I doubt I'm paraphrasing at all): "Len is a smooth pimp and is totally awesome. He should be President of the United States. --a secret admirer"
Rebuttal: I'm pretty sure I know exactly who wrote that comment. If I'm right, then it doesn't surprise me since I got along with that student quite well.

From all sections: Various forms of Len sucks/Len was unprepared/Len isn't sure how to teach/"his attire offended me at times"/"he is the worst of all the lab instructors".
Rebuttal: I can't hold your hands, kids. You've got to learn this yourself, no matter how good or bad of a teacher I am. The class was, and probably still is, in the midst of being totally reorganized.

Also, how is my attire offensive? I guess the American flag, Darth Vader, dragons, Batman, X-Men, and Nike logos, the color black, and denim shorts are offensive? At least I didn't wear my "Conserve Energy--Sleep In School" shirt. I probably won't wear my "Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?" shirt that I got for Christmas to class.

"The worst of all the lab instructors"? This tells me one of two things. Option one, you previously failed this course with another instructor, an instructor who also didn't teach this class this semester. Option two, you officially skipped class, went to someone else's class, and decided you preferred being spoon fed everything. Either way, you prove that your class performance is below average with such a comment.

Actually, I do have another rebuttal for those students who bitched about me (that's not my teaching, but me as a person), but never to me. (If you bitched about me AND to me--well, you told me what was going on, so that's cool.) With the greatest amount of respect possible I must say, fuck you too.

Now, I'll be fair and objective and give myself an evaluation: I could have done better on a lot of things, but that goes for anyone. Also, I can't really firmly teach material that I have never really been taught in the least. I strive to improve. If you ask me about something, I'll do my best to give you the best answer possible, which might be you pointing it out to me.

Satisfied students usually don't say anything about their classes. Dissatisfied students usually say something about their instructor and/or the class (and from my experience, it's to get that person in trouble). Usually, dissatisfied students can also be called below average or failing students.

To the future or present generations: If you've got a problem with something, you should say something If you've got a problem with someone, you should tell them about it. And if you think you've got the best opinion, don't forget that someone out there thinks they guy you hate is a smooth pimp.


Blogger LEN! said...

Consider the collaboration on! The world must be informed on its high sheep ratios!

I'm serious.

Blogger Daniel C. said...

"Len is a smooth pimp and is totally awesome. He should be President of the United States. --a secret admirer"

Bwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahah...
(breathe) Ok, I'm ok, I'm done...
(Boom... crash!)
Um... I fell on the floor


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