Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Interim Thoughts

I thought I would vent some thoughts and frustrations, so here we go.

I've mentioned that I am dealing with some troubles signing up for classes. I found a 2 hour class that might fit, but last week learned that there wasn't enough people to make the class. That put me back at square one (or two) with very little time to spare. I've found another way to fill those hours, but it's a really thin, stupid plan at best. I need a little time to confer with my major professor about it, but if he agrees, then it'll be a go.

You can never say you're finished thinking about someone if you ever thought about them for a significant amount of time. Old friends stay lodged in you memory. Former crushes stay lodged in your imagination. Past girlfriends have a lingering chemical effect. You'll never forget, no matter what you do, no matter how long you might try.

Finder. Damn good book. I finally got finished with it and let me say that Greg Rucka did it again. Realistic action with character. That's where he really shines. Some day I might actually get to rad more about Atticus Kodiak; none of those books are available around here. With Atticus, I can't say I understand the character, but I can sympathize with him and understand the situations he gets into. I can't understand the character because he seems so real in his manner and reactions. Very human.

I wish I had more to say about writing, but I don't. I have a copy of "The Golden Hollow" that sits in my backpack so I can show it to someone and get a reaction. All that copy has been able to do recently is serve as a blinding reminder of how little I've accomplished recently. I need to write.


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