Why I Hate Infinite Crisis, Part 2
I told you there'd be a part 2! Dammit, why couldn't I be wrong?
I now know the easiest answer to 90% of everything I hate about Infinte Crisis: Pocket Dimension.
What's that mean? I previously referred to "Pocket Dimension" as "Earth-2." I'm looking at you, Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, you fucking sons of bitches. I'm also looking at you, Geoff Johns, for not thinking of something better.
I'm not going to rant too much on this, partially for spoilers sake. Still, I do want to point out that the payoff to any good mystery should feel satisfying, yet be reasonable using the clues already provided. Identity Crisis was a mystery where I figured out who the killer was using the clues provided, but the real payoff was that I was totally wrong about the reason why. ("Who benefits?")
Other than the standard for Infinte Crisis Pocket Dimension bullshit, I'm becoming more and more pleased with the story. I hope for more good and less Pocket Dimension bullshit. Like that'll happen.
Hank Henshaw should have been the mastermind.
OK, one last point, now that I remember it. Right now, about half of the people reading DC comics started reading those books heavily at some point within the last 2 years. That means these are people who don't care about what happened in 1985. The farthest back 75% of current DC readers go back to is the death of Superman (last time he inspired anybody, if you didn't know). From that, I'd gues that around half of all current DC readers, most likely, don't give a flying fuck what happened in Crisis on Infinite Earths. That's the big storyline that got rid of all the bullshit anyway, so why does anything involved with that matter?
In a major scale, it shouldn't matter. I like Geoff Johns' writing. He's a hell of a nice guy, too (I've met him twice.) But this is a guy whose only fault as a writer is overattachment to old-style stuff. He thinks "Kid Flash" is a better superhero name than "Impulse." Sometimes it's better to let the old, forgotten stuff stay forgotten.
Anyway, I've got an issue of Green Lantern to finish reading. And, yes, Geoff Johns wrote that too.
I now know the easiest answer to 90% of everything I hate about Infinte Crisis: Pocket Dimension.
What's that mean? I previously referred to "Pocket Dimension" as "Earth-2." I'm looking at you, Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, you fucking sons of bitches. I'm also looking at you, Geoff Johns, for not thinking of something better.
I'm not going to rant too much on this, partially for spoilers sake. Still, I do want to point out that the payoff to any good mystery should feel satisfying, yet be reasonable using the clues already provided. Identity Crisis was a mystery where I figured out who the killer was using the clues provided, but the real payoff was that I was totally wrong about the reason why. ("Who benefits?")
Other than the standard for Infinte Crisis Pocket Dimension bullshit, I'm becoming more and more pleased with the story. I hope for more good and less Pocket Dimension bullshit. Like that'll happen.
Hank Henshaw should have been the mastermind.
OK, one last point, now that I remember it. Right now, about half of the people reading DC comics started reading those books heavily at some point within the last 2 years. That means these are people who don't care about what happened in 1985. The farthest back 75% of current DC readers go back to is the death of Superman (last time he inspired anybody, if you didn't know). From that, I'd gues that around half of all current DC readers, most likely, don't give a flying fuck what happened in Crisis on Infinite Earths. That's the big storyline that got rid of all the bullshit anyway, so why does anything involved with that matter?
In a major scale, it shouldn't matter. I like Geoff Johns' writing. He's a hell of a nice guy, too (I've met him twice.) But this is a guy whose only fault as a writer is overattachment to old-style stuff. He thinks "Kid Flash" is a better superhero name than "Impulse." Sometimes it's better to let the old, forgotten stuff stay forgotten.
Anyway, I've got an issue of Green Lantern to finish reading. And, yes, Geoff Johns wrote that too.
Yes, Batmite would be much worse. Can you imagine this:
"It was me all along, Luthor!" says Batmite.
I can't either.
Which brings me to another point I hadn't noticed before. It's rare that I look at another writer's work and truly feel that they went with something inferior. I don't usually question big reveals that have good solid backing, or the potential for good solid backing. Yet, I'm doing it here.
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