Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Facing the Desert

The last time I worked, I looked at the daily assignment sheet and noticed something was seriously lacking--coworkers. We were running a skeleton crew, just enough people to make sure the store functions. It was creepy and depressing. Aside from a serious drag in customer service, it's just eerie to not have anyone except for managers or maybe one other person to call on for help. It also means there's almost no one to talk to.

That's when I became convinced that I had to do something better. I'm not quitting my job by any means--I'm lucky to have not only hours, but the same amount of hours that I usually get. Having said that, I know there are better things for me to be doing than quietly observing a barren bookstore for hours on end.

Which is why I had the thought of doing something with these short stories I've been working on as of late. When there are lags at work, which don't come often, I'll jot down a note or two on what I should do with a short story that's on my mind. Sometimes, this becomes an entire story on its own.

So, I've cracked back out my Writer's Market and I'm looking for places to send one, two, maybe three of these things I've got backlogged. More information as it becomes available.


Blogger Nick Short said...

How can a ferret help us in the fight against the flu?

Find out the answer at Jonny Rage (

Blogger LEN! said...

Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for our long-lost friend, THE INTERNET ADVERTISER!

To answer the advertiser's question, I sugest he find his friend the ferret and promptly have sex with it. Next, he should do anything except post to my blog because I like silence much more than advertisments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true. Oh, and those pics I was tlaking about, the links are and . Enjoy.


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