Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Slapping Night

Ever seen The Villiage? I figured that movie out in about 30 seconds, which is sad because I usually don't figure out movies that do something different. Anyway, it sucks, don't watch it.

Want to know something just as bad, if not in some ways worse? Lady in the Water. M. Night Shayamalan had really stunk it up with his last two movies. I saw this one earlier and was upset.

Here we've got a writer/director that I really had a lot of respect for across the board. That hit a bump with The Villiage, but not all that much. But Lady in the Water is total boredom. What's worse is that there is a movie critic character that explains how there are no new original ideas and comments upon some movie cliches. The saddest part about this is that these statements heavily imply that everything we, the audience, think is boring about the movie, is the reasoning why we should love the movie.

The movie liked contradicting itself, wasting actors, and thriving on the concept of being a "bedtime story." Ugh. After this, I decided that I should get my money back from M. Night Shayamalan and/or slap the taste right out of his mouth. I think a swift left backhand would get the job done.


Blogger CalvinPitt said...

Haven't seen Lady in the Water, but I watched the Village once with my friend. I think I already knew the ending, so that wasn't an issue, so we just spent the entire movie making fun of it, and commenting on how Ron Howard's daughter was kind of hot, and the most badass blind person this side of Matt Murdock.

It feels like a lot less of a complete waste of your life that way.

Blogger Andrea said...

I loved the village, but then again I love anything with Joaquin Phoenix in it.

As for Lady in the Water, it truly bored me.

Hope you had a good Christmas.


Blogger CalvinPitt said...

OK, I saw Lady in the Water this last week. Holy crap. That was freaking awful. And not in the "makes me laugh, it's so bad" way. More the, "thank god I used a gift card for free rentals to get this. I'd hate to have to pay money for it."


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