Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I finally got some time put in on getting my thesis done. Slowly but surely, it'll get done. Today, I downloaded and integrated some wetlands data for my GIS analysis.

Also, I've been cranking away at Smoker, another Aticus Kodiak tale brought to us by his real life twin brother, Greg Rucka. It's a good solid read so far. I love how I'll read a few pages, then come to find out I've actually read about 25 pages.

I'm still on my Cable enthusiast kick, which I'll be on for a very long time (forever, or until I end my run on the book). I've mostly finished a drawing of what he should look like if I write him and found that I could put in everything, with the exception of the highly-ridiculous "half mask." I wish I were kidding that he once wore a half mask, ugh. Still, I've seen a lot of aspects that I like and know how I can integrate about the character.

I might have to take up drawing more often once more. I've been a little busy to really write, so that can keep me going until I finish the thesis.


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