Sunday, September 18, 2005

An Interjection

I've picked a very difficult path. Writing isn't the easiest thing in the world, partially because of the demands I put on myself and the demands of all publications--it's so hard to go from unpublished to published. I sat down for a couple of hours recently and couldn't decide on a place to send even one of the stories I should be sending around right now.

My mind is very focused on Ashes of War, so much that I feel that I've put everything else on the back burner. I think part of why that's happened is that short stories, for me at least, are a method to open the door of being published. My ideas and concepts are much bigger, requiring books to contain their force. I'm about 97% certain that Ashes of War will be the first novel I ever publish. I've just got to open that door first.

In other news, this Tuesday, September 20, the real Battlestar Galactica set comes out on DVD. This one has the US episodes, the entire mini-series, and a lower price than the UK version. I just think the show is awesome.


Blogger LEN! said...

Thanks Ali. I haven't forgotten that a copy of my first novel goes to the keeper of part of my brain.


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