Thursday, August 25, 2005


I was really hung up on a girl in high school.

****Commander's Interjection****
"Hung up?" Try "totally nuts about" instead.

Either way, I really liked this girl. Today, I taught my 8AM section of lab. Not only was there a student in there who looked exactly like the girl I was totally nuts about in high school, this student had the same name, spelled in the same unusual fashion. I'm not drawn toward this student like I was the girl in high school; I just think it's the most screwed up coincidence today.

For the record, I'm not interested in pursuing relationships with students. It's a bad idea and this job is traumatic enough for me as it is. Besides, I've got other things to be worried about before I can even think about looking for another girlfriend. I'm mostly OK with being single right now.

Another odd coincidence: Yesterday, I looked over my roster sheets and saw a familiar name. I recognized it as a student who failed one of my labs a year ago. And it was the same student. I felt uncomfortable, and I'm sure this student did as well. What are the odds of getting the same teaching assisstant twice if you don't plan for it?


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