Sunday, July 31, 2005

On Edge

For the past few weeks, I've been more tense than I've been in a long time. I'm not entirely sure why. My increased tension began... I'm not sure when. All I know, is that I've been tense for a few weeks now, mentally and physically. My tension has put me on edge, making me more strained and irritable. I've been a bit of an ass lately--I know a few people have been thinking it, even though no one has said it. It's not that I'm totally stressed out. I'm feeling strung out, though.

Actually... earlier today, I had the thought that there's something good missing from my life, and I have no clue what it is. Maybe now that I realize this, I can make that gap shrink, or plug it completely. Thoughts?


Blogger Jonathan said...

I can't say I haven't noticed. But...*laughs*...I also know I haven't been much of a bundle of joy either, lately--for many of the same reasons. I wish I had an answer for you, some sort of solution--but first I'd have to have one for myself. Other than that...hang in there, okay? It gets better. Eventually. I think.

Blogger LEN! said...

Leave it to the Madcackler to cackle madly.

On the actual subject, I've fought with myself on a couple of the straining subjects and found a glimmer of hope. My main solutions will come with time, around the end of the month in all likelihood. Maybe I'll reset some this weekend with my sister's wedding and all.


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