Thursday, July 21, 2005

Standing up to myself

In high school, I didn't advocate cruising since I thought it was a waste of gas. Last Friday, the post-gaming talk-fest went to 1AM Saturday, when Ken came back to the store to pick up some stuff; we were still inside. When my friends gather, they may want to do aimless things, but I'd like to do something.

Closing the comic book store today, I felt like I should wrap things up and get the doors locked. After doing so, several of my freinds were still around and had nothing to do. I hadn't eaten at that point and wanted to correct that. Everyone was the usual, indecisive, so I started making ultimatums; "decide what you're doing in 30 seconds, or I'm leaving." That kind of stuff. I was harsh, but I didn't want another afternoon/night/early morning of doing next to nothing if I wasn't feeling up to it. At the time, I wasn't. After a while that changed, everyone gathered at my place, and we had a fine discussion.

I think the world of my friends, but I need to not always hang out because it's easy. If I do, I won't get as much writing done--and I managed to crank out 2 pages late last night. Basically, don't do anything that takes hours unless you've gotten soemthing to eat before you start. I learned that the hard way.

In other news, Andrea sent me a copy of the latest Utada Hikaru CD. Utada is an eclectic singer from Japan, which, if you know a lot about Japanese culture, is saying a lot. Good music. Thanks again, Andrea.


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