Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Simple Things

Fall Semester started today. As a teaching assisstant, I got to endure observing an 8AM lab. Later I got to endure lecture, but I had a choice in which one I went to. I chose 1PM. Here's why that's a good thing.

Since Anatomy & Physiology is one of those "bitch" classes, the University offers Supplimental Instruction sessions to help students in at risk courses. (Side note, my previous supervisor, Dr. Steve Trautwein, was focal in starting this program at SEMO.) As such, a student has to lead the SI sessions and serve as a tutor for anyone in the class who decides to go.

The SI leader for A&P this semester is a Junior named Lauren. I had a few minutes after class where I talked with her. She was very nice, polite, approachable. In those few minutes, I got the impression that she was very intelligent. I'm glad that there are students I could be working with that I can relate to.


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