Sunday, August 14, 2005

My Friend Rejection

Got my rejection slip for "Blood Draw" today. I call it a rejection slip due to its size and its mass-produced nature. I know these things are mass-produced because I've got an older one that identical except the old one says "The Golden Hollow" where this one says "Blood Draw."

I could claim writer's block, but I'd be a liar. I've had a lot of ideas recently. Most of them seem to involve comic stories though, and I'm not in a position to write those stories, since they deal with Cable, X-Force, and--gasp!--the JSA. I actually thought of a DC story idea. First time for everything.

Actually, I'm about to employ the Spycraft Questionare to build some characters, some possibly villains, so I can write. I might also take a line or two from a song and try to use it as a setting for a scene.

Speaking of villains, Rocky pushed a DVD of a short-lived TV series on me the other day. An odd show called Profit. Think American Psycho if people actually suspected the psychopath and if the things the psycho does all fulfil some hidden goal. Jim Profit is this odd sort of villain. He has a deeper tone to his inner voice than his public voice. Cool, screwed up stuff.


Blogger LEN! said...

Got a rejection letter back from SCIFICTION regarding "The Golden Hollow." It was a long shot there anyway.


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