Over the past couple of weeks, I've gone through something of a mental reconfiguration. Part of that is due to starting a new semester of class, part due to having to change my teaching methods since I have a new supervisior, and part due to a (falsely?) presumed signal I picked up from a nice girl.
I've always been one for fairness. I think everyone should get an equal chance at the start of the race, and the field narrows due to some finding ways to accelerate past the odds. I think all people have a spark of good in them, as well as a spark of evil. It's balance, you see. Yin and Yang. Order amidst chaos.
In light of that, I offer a few tidbits of information that will hopefully make some of you feel better about current events, relationships, and life in general.
1. Don't like $3 gas? Most other countries in the world pay that or more. We may be the richest country in the world, but that doesn't mean we get to make all the rules on who pays what. (Here comes the hard part.) Basically, if the rest of the world can pay it, what makes us any better?
2. Look before you leap and you will be much happier. Enjoy and take pleasure in the things you have. Think about all the random chemical proceses going on in your body and you might realize that it's a miracle you're alive.
3. In the past few weeks, most of the single people I know (including myself) have found someone that they are at least interested in. In this sense, I'm taking interested to mean litereally that. There's a smart, nice girl named Lauren, and I'm interested in learning more about her. Maybe the idea of there being someone for everyone isn't as crazy as I once thought, which is odd considering my parents met on a blind date 30+ years ago.
In conclusion, the glass is either half full or it's a half a glass of water. Saying it's half empty illogically implies the water still in the glass.
I've always been one for fairness. I think everyone should get an equal chance at the start of the race, and the field narrows due to some finding ways to accelerate past the odds. I think all people have a spark of good in them, as well as a spark of evil. It's balance, you see. Yin and Yang. Order amidst chaos.
In light of that, I offer a few tidbits of information that will hopefully make some of you feel better about current events, relationships, and life in general.
1. Don't like $3 gas? Most other countries in the world pay that or more. We may be the richest country in the world, but that doesn't mean we get to make all the rules on who pays what. (Here comes the hard part.) Basically, if the rest of the world can pay it, what makes us any better?
2. Look before you leap and you will be much happier. Enjoy and take pleasure in the things you have. Think about all the random chemical proceses going on in your body and you might realize that it's a miracle you're alive.
3. In the past few weeks, most of the single people I know (including myself) have found someone that they are at least interested in. In this sense, I'm taking interested to mean litereally that. There's a smart, nice girl named Lauren, and I'm interested in learning more about her. Maybe the idea of there being someone for everyone isn't as crazy as I once thought, which is odd considering my parents met on a blind date 30+ years ago.
In conclusion, the glass is either half full or it's a half a glass of water. Saying it's half empty illogically implies the water still in the glass.
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