For Christmas, I got a laptop bag, a USB hub for a laptop, and a USB mouse that works best with a laptop. But I didn't get a laptop. I did get an envelope with some money to get a laptop though.
Today, I finally got my laptop. I've taken a few days to pick one out, finally deciding on a Toshiba. Very nice system and I think I'll get plenty of use out of it. Still sorting out how to get Word fully up and running in a familiar way. It'll just take time, and damn there's a lot of blue in it.
Still, I'm quite pleased and I look forward to getting lots of writing done on it, as well as my trusted PC here in my apartment.
Today, I finally got my laptop. I've taken a few days to pick one out, finally deciding on a Toshiba. Very nice system and I think I'll get plenty of use out of it. Still sorting out how to get Word fully up and running in a familiar way. It'll just take time, and damn there's a lot of blue in it.
Still, I'm quite pleased and I look forward to getting lots of writing done on it, as well as my trusted PC here in my apartment.
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