Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tides in the Storm

There's no distraction like having everything important get complicated all the sudden. I went through several chapters, assembling three every two days for almost a week. Of course, I ran into another chapter I have to write from scratch and that slowed everything down a bit.

I found that there were a pair of characters I thought were going to be in a single chapter, which would conclude their role. As I created them, I knew I could make them part of the wider tapestry of events. I let this happen, but I kept their presence to only being in Chapter 7. I'm thinking I'll be using them in Chapter 19 as well.

I'm currently trying to figure out if a girl I know likes me. It's not like the debacle from a few months back. The girl I'm talking about now has been shooting signals at me for a couple of weeks now. She randomly touched me last week, which clued me in to what she might be doing. She's been trying to talk to me a lot of the time as well--and this girl is definately the quiet type. And I haven't forgotten that she's tall and pretty as well.

With all these odd frustrations, I managed to not use my computer for about three days. From Friday to yesterday (Monday), I didn't even turn my computer on. I'm picking my habits back up again. The words must flow.



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