Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Random Questions

1. Are you wearing a necklace? No.
2. Does your computer have a mouse? Yes.
3. Do you have a cut in your nose? No.
4. What color is your shirt? Black.
5. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? Two, technically.
6. What song are you listening to? "Fear" by Sarah McLachlan.
7. What's the last mall you went to? West Park Mall, oooo.
8. Are you alone? Yes.
9. Do you have any older siblings? Yes.
10. What is the last thing you ate? Microwave pretzel
11. Who was/were the last person(s) to come to your house? Jonathan and Oscar.
12. Who was the last person to call you? Dan
13. Who was the last person who texted you? Freezer, about 2 years ago.
14. What time is it? See bottom.
15. What should you be doing? Many things.
16. Who is the last person you IMed? Jonathan.
17. Did you go out to eat yesterday? No.
18. What are you thinking right now? I'm very pleased with my signed Wonder Woman #195
19. What color are your pants? Black.
20. What color is your keyboard? Off-white
21. What do you feel like eating/drinking? A glass of Pepsi--be back in a second...

22. Are you in college? Not only am I in it, I teach it.
23. What is the last word you wrote? Can't remember, but I think it was about Colonel Zorg.
24. Are you bored? Why do you think I'm doing this?
25. How many teeth do you have? The right amount
26. Miss anyone right now? Always.
27. Do you wear glasses? Nope, I'm too stubborn.
28. What color are your shoes? Black, Black and silver, White and red.
29. Last thing you drank? I'm still working on the previously mentioned Pepsi.
30. Last thing you typed? Who needs Superman, we've got Hal
31. Who do you love? Dunno.
32. What are you doing right now? Not a damn thing and it sucks.
33. What time is it now? I think this was asked before...
34. What are you looking at? Ladies and gentlemen, the following question was asked by Legolas
35. What the last thing you said? "I knew it."
36. Do you have lip gloss on? No.
37. Do you have eyeliner on? No.
38. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger? No.
39. Where is your cell phone? In the other room.
40. Do you have any friends named Robbie? Not that I can think of at the moment.
41. Do you have any friends named Nikki? Does high school count?
42. Are you afraid of the dark? Sure, I wear a lot of black just so I can be scared of the dark
43. Did you watch the show "Are you afraid of the dark?" Never heard of it.
44. Are you crushing on someone right now? Not sure.
45. What shoe size are you? 11 to 12 depending on the company.
46. When was the last time you went on vacation? Wizard World Chicago, 2004, if that counts; two weeks earlier if not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are You Afraid of the Dark was a Nickelodeon show from the 90s, part of their slightly more serious Snick program. It was basically kids telling semi-spooky stories. Liike the Goosebumps series, but more scare and less silly. Never watched it myself.

Blogger LEN! said...

By that time, I was watching syndicated episodes of Tales From The Crypt. That show was great proof of the power of short storytelling.


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